St Alban’s Cathedral
Griffith Cathedral offers a number and variety of services throughout the week. We would love for you to join us at any of our services.
8.00am Said Eucharist in the Lady Chapel
9.30am Sung Eucharist
5.30pm Evening Prayer
8.30am Morning Prayer
5.30pm Contemplative Prayer in the Style of Taizé*
(*Taize services of meditation, chant and prayer may occasionally be replaced with said prayer services)
8.30am Morning Prayer
5.30pm Eucharist in the Lady Chapel
8.30am Morning Prayer
5.30pm Evening Prayer
9.00am Eucharist in the Lady Chapel
5.30pm Evening Prayer
5.30pm Evening Service
St Luke’s Rankins Springs
3rd Sunday of the Month 5.00pm Holy Eucharist
About Our Services
The Eucharist ( also called Mass, Holy Communion or The Lord’s Supper) is the central act of worship in the Anglican Church. It incorporates the rich ceremonial, liturgical and musical heritage of Anglicanism. We seek to:
- involve everyone in worship through liturgy well spoken and sung;
- pray our liturgies in a God-centred, joyful way;
- provide a variety of styles of worship, including Taizé-style Prayer, to contribute to the Ecumenical life of Griffith and to welcome new-comers into the Church;
- experience, share and accept, through the nourishment of the Eucharist, the charge to make the reality of the presence of God known in our daily lives;
- live the liturgy in our daily lives;
- dwell in the presence of God through:

- SIGHT (vestments, windows and banners),
- SOUND (reading, music, bells, prayer and preaching),
- SMELL (flowers and, on feast days, incense), and
- TOUCH (passing the peace, kneeling, signing ourselves with the sign of the cross)
- TASTE (receiving Our Lord in the Eucharist).
Morning and Evening Prayer
Morning Prayer and Evening prayer are said daily at Griffith Cathedral, except on Saturday morning, and when there is a Eucharist in its place (Sundays, Wednesday evening and Friday morning).
Morning prayer (Matins) and evening prayer (Evensong) are both, according to the Book of Common Prayer, to be said daily throughout the year. They originated as a conflation of the medieval “monastic hours” of prayer.
In our contemporary prayer book, morning and evening prayer appear in
modern language.
While evening prayer is also called evensong, as St Alban’s at the current time, our evening prayer service is a said service, without music. Evensong is one of the traditional Anglican offices. It is a reflective, contemplative service using the psalms, scripture and prayer. Unlike the Eucharist there is no sermon.
Taizé-style Prayer
A Taizé-style worship service involves chants, an extended period of silence for personal prayer or meditation, brief liturgical readings, icons and candles. There is no preaching. The chants are short repeated phrases from scripture or spiritual writing set to music. The repetition makes it easy for everyone to pick up easily, and, combined with the silence, provides for an atmospheric and contemplative experience.
This style of prayer is inspired by the style of prayer practiced at the monastic community of Taizé in France. The style of prayer practiced at Taizé has been designed to be easy to participate in, and has attracted many worshipers from around the globe and from many different denominations.
The Taizé community emphasises the importance of ecumenism (friendship between different Christian denominations), as expressed in their official website, which says the community “wants its life to be a sign of reconciliation between divided Christians and between separated peoples.” Taizé worship is being incorporated in a wide variety of churches, Protestant and Catholic, and its pattern of devotion is emulated in other monastic communities around the world.